My name is Terry Haines
What makes me distinctive as a candidate for Michigan State House, 41st District:
• I will push to bring our country closer to a Constitutional Balanced Budget Amendment. This can only happen only at a STATE level through the Convention of States (COS). Why should our children and grandchildren be born into our country immediately owing the government over $100,000 for the national debt? That's only the principle. Realistically, we will each be paying $200K-$400K with compounding interest for the national debt. Three out of every four dollars we now send to the federal government in income taxes is spent paying the INTEREST on the federal debt. We spend more on INTEREST on the national debt than we do on the Department of Defense. We spend over a trillion dollars a year paying the interest only on the national debt. We borrow money to pay for the interest. The Federal Reserve, which began in 1913, has printed 40% of its money ever printed in the last several months. Our government activities are mostly financed by printing counterfeit dollars.
Again, this can only happen at the STATE level when enough states approve the COS referendum. More here.
• We can permanently lower gas prices and shield Michigan from OPEC and bad federal energy policies. Details here.
• I've worked with four small businesses, two Fortune 500 companies, and one institution in my life. I have never owned a business, but have often been within the top 5% of the companies. I've advised often. I have twice made a company an extra $1-5 million. Once a company chose not to take my advice and lost over ten million dollars.
I want to help Michigan out in that way.
• Private investors, such as Vanguard, State Street, and BlackRock, own approximately half of single family homes and are renting them out. That is mostly why you cannot afford a home. I would sponsor a bill forcing such investment firms in Michigan to sell these homes at slightly more than their cost to private owners. Monopolies are not good for the economy.
• For five years I extensively studied the subject of creative problem solving.
• I will encourage churches to become good neighbors and good citizens politically.
• Candidate Statement through Public Media Network.
• Ballotpedia... Citizens For Traditional Values... iVoterGuide... League of Women Voters... Michigan Health Choice Alliance... Other Personal References
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