I support the Convention of States (COS). ONLY through the Convention of States can we bring about a Constitutional Balanced Budget Amendment.
Balancing the federal budget is a STATE issue. ONLY the states can solve this problem.
Every child in the US is born owing the federal government $100,000. That is an outrage. We spend more on the INTEREST for our national debt than we do on the Department of Defense. 3 of every 4 dollars sent to the federal government in income taxes is spend servicing our national debt. The federal government is funded by the that forth dollar and borrowing from the Federal Reserve. Printing that money causes inflation.
I believe in free enterprise and private property.
I will always prefer the interests of the 99% over the interests of the 1%.
No socialism, communism, corporate capitalism, or monopolies.
If elected my strategy will permanently lower gas prices. It will make Michigan permanently independent of OPEC or bad federal energy policies toward liquid fuels.
I will be following the advice of NASA scientist Dr. Robert Zubrin as outlined in his book, Energy Victory.
I probably have the most environmentally friendly policy among any state candidate. And it will cost - eventually - less than nothing.
For more details, visit my video.
We must adequately fund first responders.
If there is a J6 political prisoner from our district I will quietly see what I can do to comfort their family and end their already too lengthy incarceration.
- Violent rioters or vandals must be fined and/or jailed every time.
- I support universal concealed carry and "Stand Your Ground" legislation.
I will support the education, not indoctrination and sexualization of our children.
Education should be decided by the local community, not the state or the federal government.
Critical Race Theory is itself racist against white people.
Bring back shop class to high school. Many good jobs require trade school and not a college education.
September 17th is Constitutional Remembrance Day for public schools by federal law. Let's enforce this.
- Parents who care about their children's education are not domestic terrorists. They are caring and concerned parents.
- We must support the 1776 Project.
- I will champion the rights of home schoolers.
- Our universities must be made safe for Jews.
Non-citizens who vote must be penalized and deported.
No tax money should be spent on illegal resident aliens.
I believe that our country was originally established as a nation based on Judeo-Christian principles.
I am openly Christian in my convictions, but will show respect to people of other faiths or no faiths whatsoever.
I have studied our country's founders and I know what kind of nation they wanted us to inherit.
As of right now we are being cheated out of that inheritance.
- I will work to bring power from the federal government back to the states and the people.