Welcome to my site and thank you for considering me as a candidate. I am running for the 41st District Michigan State House. That is mostly Kalamazoo and Kalamazoo Township but not precisely like that.
My first interest in politics started around the year 1990. My family and I were early adopters of home schooling as our form of Christian education. The legality of home schooling was questionable at that time. But I naively said to myself "I'm not sure of the legality of home schooling. But even if it is locally considered illegal it can't be unconstitutional." I was to later find out that our government is far, far away from the Constitution as it was originally set up. My wife and I were prosecuted - twice - by the local school board for "educational negligence", even though our daughter was measuring in the 97th percentile on standardized tests. They threatened to take our child away from us. We won both cases. But I decided afterwards that I would FOREVER be involved in politics.
Let's Do This !
We should correctly observe the news. But we can also MAKE the News
I have since worked with the Republican Party every year except for a four year stint working with a third party. I don't regret leaving the Republicans for that period. I learned more about our country and our country's founders in those four years than at any other time. I've met a larger variety of people during those four years than at any other time and learned to understand them. I have attended the Republican's State Conventions over 25 times. I have done my little part politically for around 35 years.
One of the things I enjoy about the Republican Party is that it has both top-down leadership and bottom-up feedback and development of the next generation's leadership. I believe the Democratic Party is only a top-down only organization. When Democrats started touting that men can have babies, within a week the elected Democrats all over the country knew that men could have babies. To say otherwise is to suffer the severe wrath of the Democratic party. The Democratic Party does not practice democracy in any way, shape or form. It is an elitist top-down tyrannical organization. It does not represent our citizenry.
I used to live in Pontiac in Oakland County. I now live in Kalamazoo near one of my children and his family. I have been married for 50 years. I have three adult children and thirteen grandchildren.
I am now retired, but I worked for about 40 years. I've worked in office work, security, and education. In my forty years as an employee I've often worked directly with management. I was once a manager and once an assistant manager. On one occasion I made my company over a million dollars. On another occasion I made another company between five and ten million dollars. On yet another occasion, the company I worked for did not take my advice and lost one of their branches. As a result they have at this point lost well over ten million dollars. I believe I can find such savings for Michigan if you vote for me.
I once met a President of a certain college. Within a very short time I was aware that he had a close, very public friendship with a certain person. I warned this President that his friend was not who he seemed to be. A little over five years later there was a very public scandal with this friend. I was right. If this President had listened to me he would have not been ensnared in the scandal. For me, it's instinct. I don't know how I know things sometimes, but I do.
I am a Christian and I believe the Bible gives principles of success for every people, even if they are not people of the Christian faith. Western civilization at its best has been deeply influenced by Christianity. Our country's founders referred to "ancient principles" and I found a verse in Scripture referring to the "way everlasting" that seems to mean the same thing. Ancient principles work with any culture that tries them. Our own country recognized that all men are created equal. That is, all humans are made in the image of God. As a result, we are worthy of legal rights that have been recognized by the Bible and the US Constitution.
I am the author of a book on creativity, called "How to Build a Universe in Six Days." In it I suggest four stages and 25 building blocks to creativity. You might be able to tell by the title, but I am listing the creative aspect of God's creation of the universe as given to us in the book of Genesis. I believe these concepts are universal to everyday creative activities. The book may have a controversial edge to Christians. I recognize that when these universal creative concepts are used by non-Christians, and sometimes anti-Christians, they will succeed in a free society.
I am pro-life. I believe in sexual responsibility. If a person is old enough to have sex, then they are old enough to know that sex potentially causes babies. It is not the baby's fault that they were conceived and the baby should not receive capital punishment for inconveniencing the mother. Is the fetus just a clump of cells? So are we.
I am pro-second amendment.
I believe in recognizing the maximum amount of freedom for the maximum amount of people.
I believe in free enterprise. But I also recognize that corporate capitalism and monopolies are not free enterprise.
I believe in free speech. Free speech can only be achieved if we allow speech that we do not agree with.
I will continuously fight for voter integrity. In Michigan that is an uphill fight. If our votes are only 97% accurate, then one out of four of our elected officials could have cheated their way in. How so? One out of four elected officials are elected within five percent of the vote. So if the vote is flipped by three percent, the other guy wins. With ballot drops, such as in Michigan, the "chain of evidence" is destroyed. That is, we do not really know if these votes came from the person who claimed to have voted. An excellent explanation of the dangers of ballot drops is explained in Dinesh D'Sousa's documentary "2000 Mules". In a court case of any type except voting, such "evidence" is thrown out. For some of the older people reading this, may I remind you that OJ Simpson won his murder trial on the "chain of evidence" argument. This is a widely recognized legal concept that is not applied to voting.
Since 1-1/2% of our population are farmers and they feed the 98-1/2% of us, I will show farmers a special respect.
The Covid lock downs cannot be proven to have had a good effect. The only real "accomplishment" of the 2020-2021 lock down did was to - perhaps permanently - connect the Democratic Party with our country's billionaires. Many of our country's billionaires were all to happy to extend the lock downs so that they could go from billionaire to multi-billionaires. The elite now have much more control over our lives. I will fight for the average man and woman on the street. The Democrats, for this reason, are likely to have more money to spend on their campaigns for the foreseeable future. I do not feel disrespect for the rich. Being rich is not a sin. But if I see a Michigan bill that benefits the state's 10 million citizens but does not meet the "needs" of our state's 100 wealthiest, the 10 million will win out every time with me.
I request your prayers and your vote. Talk me up. Consider giving a contribution. If you cannot afford it, I understand. The last four years have been rough. But if you can, I believe it will well be worth it as an investment into your own future. I do believe I am the best person for this job. As I look back on my political career, such as it has been, I have had almost 90 percent accuracy on my instincts. But, believe it or not, it is not my failures that I would like to brag on somewhat. We can appreciate our successes, but when we really learn from is from our failures. Our painful haunting failures. I believe my failures can also be of benefit to Michigan. Give me the chance that I believe I've earned. I can serve Michigan, and I can serve Michigan well.
Thank you for reading.