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Ancient Principles - 24.07.26


Updated: Aug 4, 2024

•• Our nation's founders believed that there were universal principles that brought about good government. They sought to discover these "ancient principles" by vigorously studying different country's history and also by studying the Bible. ••

• This blog is written by Terry Haines •

Well, That Happened

What an amazing last couple of weeks we've just had. Trump was nearly assassinated in Butler, Pennsylvania under very unlikely conditions. Then Joe Biden is reported to have gotten Covid. Then suddenly Biden resigns as the head of the Presidential ticket. He later endorsed Kamala Harris for President, but we don't know if that will hold up during the upcoming Democratic Convention. Governor Whitmer and others will vie for the Presidential spot. It has been an emotional roller coaster. We have entered an extraordinary period in history. There will be books written about this era.

• Note the arrow pointing to an item beside the picture of Governor Whitmer. Expand the picture if you need to. It says 86 45. To 86 a person is to kill him. The obvious reference is to the 45th President, Mr. Donald Trump.

Words matter, don't they? Or do they only matter when conservatives say them?

Michigan's Governor Whitmer was only able to become Governor by outspending her opponent ten to one and miraculously, or through fraud, having two ballot drop spikes to win the election.

I believe Michigan almost certainly has more voter fraud than California or New York. According to Glen Beck, 105% of Michigan citizens are registered voters. That's amazing when you consider that evangelical Christians and hunters rarely vote. It's not amazing. It is, of course, impossible. Michigan Democrats are preparing for The Big Steal.

• US Secret Service Director Cheatle has now resigned in disgrace. Remember I referred to the unlikely conditions that preceded the assassination attempt. I ask publicly if the assassination attempt on Trump was - with a wink and a nod - Government Approved.

God Reigns in the Affairs of Men

Our first President believed that the United States was founded by the Providence of God. We have been uncomfortable talking about God in a public setting, but read the words of our first President.

Washington was not afraid of acknowledging that God is alive and active in the affairs of men. Now, when we talk about the providence of God, we have to admit that we don't understand it. If we say that God protected Donald Trump - and I am one of those who believe so - then we also have to say that one of the bullets that only scraped the ear of Trump took the life of Corey Comperatore and allowed the wounding of two others. I believe in God, but I also know that I am not Him. God will have to be His own apologist.

If I remember correctly, President Lincoln once said that we should not ask if God is on our side, but whether we are on God's side.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the independent candidate for President, says that the Democratic National Committee is the Establishment. I'm not sure that being anti-establishment is itself an honor. But let's learn from all people as much as we can. I agree with RFK, Jr. that the Democratic Party is the Establishment.

The Mainstream Media and Hollywood and Big Pharma and the educational institutions support Democratic policies. The Democratic Party made MANY, MANY billionaire friends during the Covid pandemic. Think about it. The Big Box stores were making multiple extra billions in profits for every week every state maintained lock down policies. Isn't it likely that those who are Fentanyl drug traffickers and involved in human trafficking are paying off, in one way or another, the politicians who have created an open border to our country? It costs perhaps $70,000 to surgically transition a person sexually. It may cost over a million dollars over a lifetime to maintain that transition.

Billionaires LOVE the Democratic Party right now.

Please, please notice how much more money the Democrats seem to be able to effortlessly get a hold of. In the last Michigan governor's race, Whitmer outspent her opponent by about ten to one. Even so, Whitmer probably would not have won had there not been two massive ballot drops before the election ended. Democrats make it sound like the money is coming from the man on the street, but it is clearly coming from the elites. Democrats are not popular on the issues. They are only popular among some because "abortion is good" and "Orange Man is bad."

• BREAKING (7/22). Kamala Harris, according to the Daily Wire, "has secured enough delegates to officially become the Democratic Party's presidential nominee when the delegates cast their votes next month." Harris was the Democratic Party's least favorite candidate for President in the 2020 election. This is another example of elitist, top-down authoritarianism from the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party promotes anything but Democracy. We can be certain that the committee of people that controlled Joe Biden will also control Kamala Harris.

Life Culture. Death Culture.

For over half of a century, our country has argued over abortion. But let's put it in a greater context. The Democratic Party has argued in favor of abortion, the taking of a human life before birth. That's part of a death-style, not a lifestyle. The Dems favor homosexuality, which guarantees that a couple will not reproduce. The Democratic Party favor trans-gendering among children and others. No reproduction will occur if the sex organs are modified.

The Democrats are killing off their supporters. So how are they to stay in power? There are only two ways to stay in power with these philosophies.

~ Cheat at the voting booth.

~ Promote illegal aliens and an open border. Make them citizens or make it safe for them to illegally vote.

Top-Down Authority

Almost all Democrats and some Republicans promote a strong top-down authority. You don't believe me? In 2016, when Hillary Clinton was losing to Bernie Sanders, she won the nomination through the so-called "super-delegates" in the Democratic Party. Super-Delegates are delegates in a Party who supposedly vote for the best interests of the Party that they belong to.

In 2020, which state Democrats do you remember voting against the unnecessary lock downs in the various states? If you are like me, the answer is zero. That's because if you dared to go against the Party, you could and would be destroyed, and the state Democratic legislators know that. Democrats simply do what they are told to do, not what is best for the constituents. How many times, at the federal level, do we see UNANIMOUS votes among Democratic US House Members or Democratic US Senators on the various policies? Again, Democrats do not permit democracy among their politicians. I would argue they do not permit much democracy among their citizens.

Know, if I am elected, I will always vote my best conscience. I will vote what is best for my district and the state, not what will promote my political career.

• According to a Daily Wire post, "Elderly Trump Supporter in Critical Condition After 'Politically Motivated' Attack, Police Say"

This happened in Hancock, Michigan.

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