•• Our nation's founders believed that there were universal principles that brought about good government. They sought to discover these "ancient principles" by vigorously studying different country's history and also by studying the Bible. ••
• This blog is written by Terry Haines •
• Elon Musk loves Democracy. He calls the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party IMMENSE.

• Donald Trump did not call our military "Suckers and Losers".
• Ben Shapiro reacts to a funny Family Guy snippet about transgenders.
• Kamala Harris Made A Damning Planned Parenthood Video Disappear. Now, It’s Public. This is from the Daily Wire and may be inaccessible to the general public for copyright reasons.

• Judge Joe Brown talks about Kamala Harris (23:46).
"Kamala Harris Is Not Black, She’s Lazy and Flirts To Get What She Wants."
"She is not that good in the court room." Brown suspects Kamala Harris has early onset dementia, based on her "word salads." He expects she will be easy to control by the deep state. So Harris will be another political puppet, like just about everybody agrees Biden was. Kamala Harris had a reputation for stiff sentences for marijuana possession, "but only for black men."
Harris' birth certificate registered her as Caucasian.
Someone asked, "Is she trans-black?"

• How have mortgages changed since Biden began living in the White House?
Well, let's take a look.
See the record.
Does Harris want to explain?
Well, I will. In the past several months, the US has printed 40% of the total dollars that the Federal Reserve has EVER printed. That causes inflation. The Federal Reserve has existed since 1913. That's quite a feat - 40%.
The answer to this fiscal irresponsibility is the Convention of States, and can only be enacted if 34 states agree to meet for this Convention. Michigan needs to go that direction. It is the responsible thing for state legislators to do. That will only happen at the STATE level. Nineteen states have already agreed such a meeting needs to take place. Over half of people of differing political sway believe this is necessary.
By the way, the value of our houses are not going up. The value of our dollar is going down. The same amount of gold that would buy a nice house a hundred years ago would buy us a nice house now.

• We live in a country where when a child or grandchild is born here they immediately owe the government $100,000. That's principle only. Realistically, that newborn will pay the government the equivalent of $200-$400K of their hard earned money before they die. We now have a situation where three of every four dollars we give the government in our income taxes goes toward paying the INTEREST ONLY on the national debt. The government is funded almost entirely by printing what is really counterfeit money through the mechanism of the Federal Reserve.
Again, the answer is to move aggressively toward the Convention of States.

• Some believe I am a conspiracy theorist. The problem is - as Elon Musk points out - that a lot of our conspiracy theories were discovered to be true in the last few months and years.
We really have no good reason to trust the government. The government has shown itself to be an unworthy friend. Those who would build a bigger government should look at the government as it now is and ask if we really, really want more of the same.
We need to bring the power and authority back to the states, where the government can be more accountable to We the People. Then, if people need to, they can vote with their feet and leave the miserable and oppressive states.

• How trustworthy is the media?
~First we hear from the media that Joe Biden is very good cognitively.
To be exact, he is "sharp as a tack,"
~Then, after the Trump/Biden debate, we hear from the media and the Democrats that that Biden must step aside.
~ Then Biden explains his stepping aside with a news conference that really didn't give us any reason for his stepping aside.
~ Then Kamala Harris, who has been judged to be the worst Vice-President in American history, is now rebranded in her run for President. Part of that rebranding is that Harris is really a moderate. Kamala Harris has for a very long time been rated as more leftist and more Marxist than Elizabeth Warren or Barry Sanders.
But not today. Not now.

• How did we ever get to the point where biological men were competing against biological women? We recently had a female boxer at the Olympics quit after 46 seconds when she received two massive blows to the head. She interviewed that she had never been hit that hard. She said "I quit to save my life" and after a few seconds she was sobbing on the floor. She had worked for many, many years to get to her skill level, only to be cheated in the competition.
I've heard Title 9 was the legislation that only allowed women to compete against women. But then we have that definition to deal with, don't we? "What is a Woman?", is the question asked by Matt Walsh in his documentary. Here is a speech Walch gave on the subject at Michigan's Hillsdale college (13:52).

Until we decide as a society that women have the XX chromosome and men have the XY chromosome, then we are living in the dark ages. We are living in a time where a man can beat up a woman in front of millions, and call it sport.
Whatever became of true feminism?
• I think on a global basis we are being conditioned to "understand" that whatever the government tells us must be the truth, no matter what we see in front of our eyes or hear with our own ears or reason with our own minds.
The government wants to do all the thinking for us because they believe themselves to be the experts on all things.

• I heard a phrase years ago. It was that it was okay to be called ugly by a toad. Recently there was a massive effort to label Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance as "weird."
One of the things that makes JD Vance weird is that he likes diet Mountain Dew.
Maybe, just maybe, we need to do some reassessing.
The Democrats have been doing this for many, many years. I've seen lawyers do it also. They know the greatest weakness of their cases so they go on a strong offensive and make black seem like white and right seem like wrong.
Do you think JD Vance is weird? I don't.

• The Biden Administration has approved a plea deal with three of the five masterminds of the 9-11 attacks. This will save them from the death penalty. One can only assume that there are political reasons for doing this right now. It must please the radical Muslim, "Death to America" community.
It must be a real vote-getter among some who do not believe in our American ideals.

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Well, you've outdone yourself this time. I posted this link to Truth Social. Terry, you are a full-on American hero for writing this awesome article. The video from X re: Planned Parenthood and selling body parts is UNbelievable. And the deal with Karmela, whoa! You have reached your pinnacle imho. God Bless you. WAKE UP THE WORLD, for Heaven's sake. PRAYERS !!!