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Ancient Principles 24.08.29


•• Our nation's founders believed that there were universal principles that brought about good government. They sought to discover these "ancient principles" by vigorously studying different country's history and also by studying the Bible. ••

• This blog is written by Terry Haines •

The Kalamazoo County Split

On the Wednesday prior to the Republican State Convention, there was a credentials dispute and a second County Convention was held on Zoom. There would be a second vote on who would attend the State Convention as a delegate. It was an all or nothing vote, either this slate or that slate. I hate slates. I think of slates as this:

Vote for One:

• Chocolate

• Vanilla

Chocolate wins by 51%.

Everyone eats chocolate.

Slates in my opinion are against Republican principles. A Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for lunch. A Republic is the rule of the majority, but the protection of the rights of the minority. Slates do not protect the rights of the minority.

The one who filed the credentials dispute was offered a 50/50 split, but refused it. In the end, a pool of approximately 45% of qualified candidates were denied entry to the State Convention as voting delegates. Many would attend anyway, but without voting rights.

Being from Kalamazoo, I am familiar with the details of the dispute. But I have a promise I made myself. If I am aware of an offense, I go first to the person who committed the offense, then I try to take care of it behind the scenes if possible. There are deep, unresolved offenses on both sides. There is quite a history here. This did not occur in a vacuum. I recognize these differences, and to the extent that either or both sides will listen to me, I will try to be a healing influence.

An irony exists. Both sides will now be pushing for the election of the same candidates in the upcoming general election. If these sides could get together, they would be powerful. Separately they are perhaps just as powerful.

• Of course the big news on the national scene is that RFK, Jr. has ended his campaign for President and is endorsing Donald Trump.

"We believe that so long as the white race exists, all movements against what is called racism will fail. Therefore, our aim is to abolish the white race."

~ Noel Ignatiev, editor of the magazine Race Traitor.

• How did it happen that the people who seem to hate humanity control our corporations? Become aware of the activities of Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street.

• Oh Babylon Bee. Your satire! Never quit. Here's their video about guns.

• The Michigan State Budget has raised by 46% in the last two years. Our needs could not have changed that much in that short of a time. Michigan is busy buying votes instead of adopting policies that most people would vote for.

• "The Republican National Committee is suing Detroit after learning the city allegedly hired 7 times more Democrats than Republicans as poll workers for this election. This comes as states across the country keep finding thousands of foreign nationals on state voter rolls."

• A US Appeals Court blocks ALL of Biden's debt relief.

• The US Department of Energy recently announced our electrical needs are expected to double by 2050.

• Michigan has 483,128 more registered voters than voting-aged residents. Consider joining the John Milton Freedom Foundation.

• President Donald Trump announced that he’s “100% opposed” to Gotion, the electric vehicle battery plant with direct ties to the Chinese Communist Party. I agree.

Michigan Democrats want this. I do not. It gives China yet another opportunity to spy on our country.

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