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Ancient Principles 24.10.12


•• Our nation's founders believed that there were universal principles that brought about good government. They sought to discover these "ancient principles" by vigorously studying different country's history and also by studying the Bible. ••

• This blog is written by Terry Haines •

• RFK, Jr. says TODAY the Democratic Party is not the Party of John F. Kennedy or Robert F. Kennedy. It was the Party of the Constitution and against censorship. The word Liberal means freedom of speech. It was the Party of protecting children. It is NOW the Party of Big Tech, Big Ag, Wall Street, the Big Banking Houses and the Military Industrial Complex.

• If I am elected and can validate this news, I will call for alternative means to keep our water germ-free. •

A song set to the tune of "Jolene" describes the unbreakable spirit of Appalachia.

• Dr Casey Means talks about the essential information a doctor. DOES NOT LEARN in medical school.

• A first person report from Appalachia indicates FEMA is hindering aid from private organizations an individuals to the area. One estimation is that private organizations are providing 90% of the aid to the area. (harsh language)

• "Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is...executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country."

~ Samuel Adams

• Psychologist Jordan Peterson talks about his new online college and how it amazingly inexpensive it is. In fact, it is possible to get a Bachelor's Degree for around $2,000. I thought this might be the future of post high-school education. Let's see how this plays out in the grand scheme of things.

"BREAKING: Harris/Biden ICE Director ADMITS over 425,000 known convicted criminal illegal immigrants have been RELEASED into the United States including 13,000 who were convicted of homicide and 15,000 convicted of sexual assault."

~ Benny Johnson

• "The only people strongly against voter ID in America are those who want to commit fraud."

~ Elon Musk

• Speaking in 2007, the late Aaron Russo—a former friend of Nick Rockefeller—recounts being told how women's liberation was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, in order to get women in the workplace, break up the family unit, and indoctrinate children from an early age.

"We couldn't tax half the population before women's lib... Now we get the kids in school at an early age. We can indoctrinate the kids how to think, which breaks up their family. The kids start looking at the state as the family, as the school, as the officials, as their family."

~ From 'Reflections & Warnings: Aaron Russo's Final Interview', an interview by Alex Jones.

• Joe Biden is one of the world’s biggest funders of terrorists. 6 billion to Iran and don’t forget our leaving, if I remember right, 80 billion in equipment behind in Afghanistan.

• To advance truth it must be publicly proclaimed. To get rid of error, it must be publicly exposed.

That is why our First Amendment rights must be vigorously defended.

• What former Democrats think the Democratic Party has lost their way?

Elon Musk

RFK, Jr.

Tulsi Gabbard

Alan Dershowitz

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