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Ancient Principles. Terry Haines' Blog 24.06.28


Updated: Aug 4, 2024

•• Our nation's founders believed that there were universal principles that brought about good government. They sought to discover these "ancient principles" by vigorously studying different country's history and also by studying the Bible. ••


• First of all, hello Windy City.

For some reason nearly 30% of my web site visitors are from Chicago. I don't know what that means or how you found me, but hello!

• Senior Vice President Michael Giordano at Disney: "There's no way we're hiring a white male"

This shows Disney's racial prejudice against whites and sexual prejudice against males.

Bad SCOTUS decision.

This was the PERFECT opportunity for the Supreme Court to deal with the legal differences between being a publisher and a pubic platform. Facebook and company have the legal advantages of both and the legal requirements of neither.

Poorly done, Supreme Court, poorly done.

The real effect of this judgement is that Facebook can give their opinion as fact and suffer no legal ramification even if it is provably untrue. The real effect is that the government can force social media to put out the government "official narrative". Like the Russian state-owned newspaper Pravda. Also, people are now legally not free to just give their opinions.

This is a bad day for the First Amendment.

Do I endorse Donald Trump for President?


He does mean tweets and says mean words. He is the General Patton of politics. But the left has been name calling for decades. Who hasn't heard a Democrat call someone a racist or a homophobe or whatever the latest insult is? "Politics is a blood sport", a friend once told me. Harsh rhetoric, blunt truths and blunt falsehoods are forever part of the political game.

Besides, if an idea will not withstand intense scrutiny, then it doesn't belong as public policy.

Oh, and what about all of those felonies Trump has been found guilty of? What of it? Most people know it is just persecution, not a real prosecution.

Trump really is standing between the tyrants of our land and the people who would be sometimes willingly tyrannized.

Video from Patriot Academy.

Facebook Video.

When you're rich, parents can choose the right schools just by choosing to move into the right neighborhood. But when you're poor, parents need the option of changing to a better charter school.

• I believe that because of past foolish and corrupt policies at the state and federal levels, that we don't dare continue with the status quo. We are too close to the precipice of disaster. We need people who think clearly, not those who just do what they are told to do by the Democratic or Republican Parties. We need the best of both worlds. We need, to borrow a Biblical phrase, to "plunder the Egyptians". When Israel left the slavery of Egypt they took with them some of the treasures of Egypt. I will continue to choose the best ideas from every age, from every culture and from both political parties.

• Did you know that 10% of Michigan roads carry 50% of our traffic, usually including the 18 wheelers? So the logistics of it that effect the average citizens are that your home road get repaired less often because of the economics of it all. But the good part of the master plan is that when your personal road is repaved, they dig once for all the utilities that are under the road and do those repairs.

• Why do the German roads last 20 years and the ancient Roam roads have lasted over 1,000 years? I don't know, but if elected it will be one of the questions I will ask. I doubt that the ancient Roman roads could withstand the stress of our 18 wheel delivery trucks, but I will investigate.

• According to June 21 NowKalamazoo news, "Housing prices have been rising rapidly over the past few years. People’s incomes have not."

Yes, we've noticed.

This is a federal issue, but can best be solved on a STATE level. We need a Constitutional Balanced Budget Amendment through the Convention of States (COS). Michigan legislators have yet to push forward the COS, dooming Michiganders to inflation and high interest rates.

In state after state, among Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, the majority of those who understand COS support it.

• I am publicly declaring that if you are born male, that is 100.00% okay. And if you are born female, that is 100.00% okay. Neither of these conditions are a birth defect. If you reject your gender, then I believe it is a fantasy at best and a mental disorder at worst. There is a psychology book of mental disorders and I think we all have one or more of these disorders. But I am not your friend if I affirm your disorder.

YouTube Video.

Pelosi became angry during an MSNBC interview when she declared that Biden brought millions of jobs to America and that Trump lost millions of jobs. The normally left-leaning interviewer then said, "There was a global pandemic..." and there were fireworks! Not mentioned during the interview was that 33% of Americans are now working two jobs.

• If you ignore the wealthiest 1,000 in our nation, the average American income is $35,500. We are losing our middle class. 40% of the money the Federal Reserve has printed in the last century+ has been printed in the last several months. That devalues our money, causes inflation and raises interest rates. Inflation is the government's cruelest tax, as it harms those with the lowest incomes FIRST and HARDEST.

Stores Closing in our Nation

~ Walgreens - 900 stores

~ Dollar Tree - 1,000 stores

~ Footlocker - 400 stores

~ Gap - 350 stores

~ Burger King - 400 Stores

~ Kroger - 413 stores

• QUESTION. Which one of our founding fathers said this?

"Democracy Is Two Wolves And A Lamb Voting On What To Have For Lunch"

ANSWER: Unknown. It has been attributed to four people - Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton.

Although we have a representative government, our founders did not trust pure democracy. They felt it was an unstable form of government that quickly leads to mob rule and tyranny. That's why they designed a republic as our form of government. Our original Constitution, read correctly, limits the power of government and worked to give us a merit-ocracy where people can develop mostly unencumbered to reach their best personal and group dreams.

• I am campaigning for a state job, but I mention the federal government often. Why? Policies of the political parties center power at the federal level and those powers filter down - fortunately or unfortunately - to the state level.

Why Do I Think I am the Best Candidate?

Watch my eight minute video on the home page towards the top to know me better.

I list in detail four issues that make me distinctive. But to summarize:

~ I know the power of the Convention of States.

~ I can lower the price of gasoline permanently!

~ I will encourage appropriate top-down and bottom-up leadership.

~ I spent five years diligently studying how to find creative solutions.

Why Don't You See My Campaign Signs Around the District?

I ran for this position two years ago and 94% of my signs were stolen or vandalized within two weeks of when I put them up. So I decided to go with a web site and texts this time. I can confirm that six of my signs were stolen within six hours.

Voter Fraud is Alive and Well

See the graphs above. On the left is the 2022 run for Governor in Michigan. Note the two ballot drops that gave Gretchen Whitmer the lead in our state. Despite the fact that Whitmer had a campaign war chest that had 10x the money of her Republican opponent, Whitmer could not win the run for governor legitimately. On the right is the Georgia Senate runoff in 2021. Note the massive sudden ballot drop in the middle for the Democratic candidates. The evidence is that the two Republican candidates won that election. We are at a point in American history that we cannot trust the "official" results of our voting.

• This is a map of churches that have been burned to the ground in Canada. Will this happen to America? It could be much worse. Canada only has 11% of our population.

Evangelical Christians are one of the two people groups who are least likely to vote.

In 2022, only 7% of evangelicals voted.

Unless that changes, politicians will not take evangelicals seriously and we will become more opposed and oppressed than we are now.

The Michigan Independent newspaper-

Anything but Independent

The Michigan Independent newspaper is anything but independent. Just read it if you disagree. ALL of the articles are Biden centered and left-oriented. Note the big title on the front page, Trump Tax on the Middle Class. There is no more blatant lie in the media.

The truth is that since Biden has become President, the average family of four has lost over $11,400 of purchasing power. People can hardly buy a new house. Democrats have no interest in the middle class.

Democrats are in bed with the country's billionaires and have been since the 2020 pandemic, or maybe before. Remember that only the multi-billionaire big box stores were opened during the lock down. Remember that these big box stores were making billions and billions of dollars for every week that the Covid-19 lock down was extended. Remember that Governor Whitmer extended the lock down longer than almost any other state. Remember that Whitmer spent 10x the money as her Republican opponent in the last election. Notice all the Democratic money being spent on ads already this election cycle. Remember, or become aware, that Biden has printed 40% of the dollars that the Federal Reserve has EVER printed since its beginning in 1913. Any group of people can appear rich if they are living on borrowed money. Know that the Federal Reserve is a one trick pony. It prints money without any backing. It is our country's only legal counterfeiter.

When you are done with all of that remembering, ask yourself if you are afraid of Trump taxing the middle class $1,700, if in fact that is true at all. Does the Democratic Party have a crystal ball? Why is the Democratic Party still mostly not willing to run on its own merits? They just promote Trump hatred.

Now, you can't see it very well on the newspaper picture above, but the second title in the red part of the newspaper is "The State of Abortion in Michigan and Across the Country". I wish I could talk people out of abortion. It's not the baby's fault they are conceived. I wish I could convince people of the obvious, that sex is the leading cause of babies. Unless a person is willing to potentially produce and care for a new life, they are not ready for sex. That is sexual responsibility, which used to be called marriage.

Marriage is not just a piece of paper. The lack of marriage can potentially end a life. Preferring a career over a pregnancy is - well, what can I say - short-sighted. Children are a blessing, not a burden. They are our legacy.

Is someone trying to hack my site?

Hope not. Don't think so.

But see this notice to the right.

It's shown up twice already now.

I know it's not my web developer.

• Nextdoor has decided I am not really their neighbor. I announced my candidacy and put my web site on their app. That's all I did. No opinions expressed in the ad.

I got a notice that by doing so I was going against their community standards. They will not tell me which community standard I am violating. I appealed.

UPDATE: Nextdoor has allowed me to apply again for my political ad. We'll see what happens. I'll try to give you an update next week. Like I say, they gave me no reason for the original rejection of my political ad. They willingly receive business ads.

Oh yeah... :-)

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