•• Then those who feared the LORD spoke with one another.
~ Malachi 3:16 ••
This blog by Terry Haines reaches out to those Biblical thinkers who want Christianity to once again greatly influence our society.
I offer my opinions and observations.
(Gen 1:28-29 / 2Ch 7:14 / Act 17:6 /
Rev 12:11)
"If DEI works anywhere, it has to work everywhere. Where does it not work...?"
Lance Wallnau asks the Church, "What business are you in?" and "How's business?"
• TRUTH: Like it says in the pledge of allegiance to the flag, we will once again become a united (indivisible) nation ONLY on the condition that we are "One nation, under God,"
• My favorite resource for learning about our nation's foundation and our national heritage is through the Patriot Academy.
• Give them this charge for their masters: ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: This is what you shall say to your masters: “It is I who by my great power and my outstretched arm have made the earth, with the men and animals that are on the earth, and I give it to whomever it seems right to me."
~ Jeremiah 27:4-5
But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.
~ Jeremiah 29:7

The Second Temple Promise
Off to the side you see a plaque I made up and have hung up on the wall of my current house and my last house.
It is God's message to the prophet Haggai to declare to the Israelites after the Second Temple had been built. God had allowed the destruction of the first Temple and the dispersion of the Jews because of their sins. Now God had relented from His judgement against the Jews. They were returning to Israel and a second Temple had been built. But there was mixed emotions about the new Temple because it was smaller than the first Temple. So the older ones among them who had seen the previous Temple were literally crying in the streets while those younger ones were greatly publicly rejoicing. I have left out several words in my plaque and I have used a very expressive but less common Jubilee Bible version. But here is the message that God had for the Israelites of that time:
I will fill this house with glory,
said the Lord of the hosts...
The glory of the latter house
shall be greater than of the former
...In this place I will give peace.
~ Haggai 2:7-9

Through the Second Temple, Israel was to have a second greater glory. I believe that God has a message for the Church. It is that if we ready ourselves, we can have a greater glory in our country then the glory of the American Revolution and the founding of the US Constitution.
How will this happen? I won't even pretend that God has given me all the details, but I believe it will happen when 34 of our states decide to convene a Convention of States. Right now 19 states have agreed to do so. The Convention of States is a Constitutionally provided opportunity for the STATES to suggest Constitutional Amendments.
This is not a partisan issue. It is an issue for ALL Americans and both political parties.
We have, with our nation's founders, thousands of pages of the wisdom of that day that lead to the original US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We also have almost 250 years of experience that will tell us how the US Constitution, or t least our interpretation of the Constitution, has sometimes gone astray.
We can learn. We can do this if enough of the right people will get involved.

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So true about all the documents/pages we have. I pray you are right about this. If the Holy Spirit is leading you in this, then I stand in agreement. I follow a couple folks who are saying a change is coming. I am praying they are right! However, these same "anointed of the Lord" are also saying that we must keep our focus on God alone, the LORD God Almighty and His Son, Jesus Christ. Praying in the Spirit for a rejuvenation of our once great Godly principles in our once great Godly nation. PRAYERS 🇺🇸