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Christian Talk 24.07.31


Updated: Aug 4, 2024

•• Then those who feared the LORD spoke with one another.

~ Malachi 3:16 ••

This blog by Terry Haines reaches out to those Biblical thinkers who want Christianity to once again greatly influence our society.

I offer my opinions and observations.

Christian Nationalism

I've seen people on the news lately dread that our country is being influenced by Christian Nationalists. One reporter was careful to distinguish that what is the thing to be afraid of is not the Christian part of that phrase, but the Nationalist part of the phrase. Our country is committed to becoming in many ways just another insignificant member country in a globalist scheme. Cities and counties become insignificant parts of each of the states. Then the states throw their power to the federal government. Then the federal government, in a hundred different ways throws their power away to international groups and powers. We are well into the process of becoming globalist. Many years ago, even the elder President George Bush told us we needed to become part of a "New World Order."

Globalism has been decades in the making.

Shades of Star Trek! Maybe then we will achieve faster than light speed star ships and become part of the local Federation, or whatever all the other one world governments of the other planets call themselves. We have years and years of science fiction telling us this is the normal, and really, inevitable course for mankind. We had the League of Nations, and now the United Nations, telling us we have to unite as a world or we will destroy ourselves. We have fear mongering on a dozen different levels and we have politician after politician tell us that THEY are among the saviors of the world.

Remember back several months to 2020, when we had the Covid-19 pandemic became a world-wide concern? Countries like ours - a supposedly capitalistic society - and China - the largest communistic society - and Canada - on its way toward socialism - ALL marched to the drumbeat of Fouci and company. This world-wide counsel told us many things we now know to be lies. We also know that the people who told us these things KNEW they were lying.

They told us we needed to be six feet apart, which was later revealed to have just been made up. We found out later that the masks were ineffective or harmful. We found out that the Covid-19 vaccinations have had more negative side effects than ALL of the other vaccinations combined have ever had. We found out that scientist can be bought and paid for just as easily as politicians can. Globalism hasn't been so very good for us.

So what is the answer? The answer is to have each of our countries to do the best that they can and show the world, by example, what are the good ideas. I think every nation should look out for themselves. Nationalism is not really a bad word. It's only a bad word to globalists.

Now let's deal with the Christian part of the phrase. Those who would dominate Christians have trouble with them. Christians know that they have worth whether the local government believes it or not because we are built in the image of God. Our nation's founders believed that we had rights given to us by our Creator. Christians believe that men are sinners, so we need to balance the various branches of government. There is a reason why our nation's founders built the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of our government to balance each other out. In fact, some believe the three branches of government reflect what God is called - the prophet (legislative), priest (judicial), and king (executive). There also was, and is, a reason for the Bill of Rights. Our government was built to not be able to tyrannize its citizens, but to protect them.

Those globalists who would bring more and more power to fewer and fewer elite "experts" do not believe any of these Christian philosophies. Our nation's founders were geniuses compared to the people who now want global control. To learn this in its fullness I recommend churches and individual Christians learn our national history from the Patriot Academy. There are several excellent similar groups, but I am personally familiar with this one and I recommend it.

Why should we move toward globalism? What do they have that we want?

I believe THIS is what God wants from Christian churches right now. Also...

Vote. Don't stay home. If you aren't registered, become registered. Then vote.

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Aug 01, 2024

Indeed, we must ALL get up and vote. Thanks so much to you for keeping God in the bullseye of all your articles! We are a nation founded upon the principals of God's natural law. I pray daily for our country and for its many Christians to see the TRUTH, which is Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior. Prayers for you also. God Bless you, friend.

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