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Christians - Let's Talk 24.06.28

Updated: Aug 19, 2024

•• Then those who feared the LORD spoke with one another.

~ Malachi 3:16 ••

Speaking the Unspeakable Truth

...if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

~ 2 Chronicles 7:14

This can be broken down into an if-then statement from God.

~ IF my people (who are called by my name)

~ [IF they] humble themselves, and

~ [IF they] pray and

~ [IF they] seek my face and

~ [IF they] turn from their wicked ways,

~ THEN I will hear from heaven and

~ [THEN I] will forgive their sin and

~ [THEN I will] heal their land.

The unspeakable truth is that God has not brought revival to our nation and to the world because our churches are not ready to receive these new converts. Is God waiting for a billion people to find Him, as some Christians believe? (See Matthew 24:14). We may have training for these new converts, but we do not have a discipleship program ready for them. If God were to bring revival to our nation right now, the American church would be like wet wood and would put out the revival's fire.

I speak this even as I am trying for political office. I am trying for the evangelical vote in our area. But do you know what? Evangelicals are one of the two groups in America most likely NOT to vote. In 2022, only 7% of evangelicals voted.

Well, what can we do? There are several things.

• First and foremost, determine to think and act Biblically. Biblical truth is not just for the personal level, or even on just the family level. Biblical truth is also the foundation for good government. Read the book of Proverbs especially on this. Remember that when you are studying Scripture that you are not studying it only for yourself but also for the benefit of your neighbor, whom you are commanded to love.

• Have a church contest to see how many people can read through the entire Bible over the next year. Take the Bible seriously as a source of wisdom for personal and social conduct.

• Organize the church so that someone in your congregation will be fasting and praying for our communities and our states and our nation every day of the year. If your congregation is too small to do that, coordinate with another church to achieve this worthy goal.

• Read and study John Locke's book, Two Treatises of Government. In fact, if you can, request of your favorite seminary that they make this a reading and study requirement. Founding Father Richard Henry Lee said that Thomas Jefferson copied the Declaration of Independence from John Locke's book, "The Two Treatises of Government," which cites the Bible over 1,500 times to show the proper operation of civil government. I should warn you that it is not light reading, but it is John Locke's attempt to look through Scripture and see how godly civil government should be organized.

(Source: Biblical Citizenship in Modern America, page 34)

• Instead of teaching church history, why don't we teach the Christian foundation of our own country. I recommend Patriot Academy for that.

• There are certain moral issues that all Biblical Christians should agree upon. Abortion is bad. Monogamous heterosexuality is good. That's the family defined. Socialism is bad.

But let me give you another issue that I think Biblical Christians should agree upon. We should agree to support the Convention of States (COS) movement. The Convention of States is vigorously opposed by Hillary Clinton. It is vigorously opposed by George Soros, who has financed over 250 organizations to fight COS. It is also, unfortunately, vigorously opposed by some conservative and Christian groups. I won't go into how that happened, but it is interesting to note that these conservative and Christian groups spout FOR FREE what Soros has generously paid people to speak.

The three goals of a Convention of States are to make the federal government 1) Fiscally responsibility, 2) Put term limits on our federal representatives and employees, and 3) Limit the government to its Constitutionally defined roles.

• Each church should have a Get Out the Vote program for their congregations every two years.

~ Register people to vote.

~ Urge them to become Precinct Delegates. This is the lowest type of involvement and may require two nights a year and one weekend a year. Or much more, depending on your desire for involvement.

~ Learn from the Precinct delegates what are the issues and who are the "good guys" to vote for.

~ Urge the church membership to run for library board.

~ Urge them to run for school board.

~ Urge them to run for city council.

~ Urge them to run for county council or county government.

~ Urge them to run for state government.

~ And beyond...

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