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Viewpoints & Links


Updated: Oct 24, 2024

• Here are some people and organizations of which you should to take note.

They are mostly, not entirely, friends. I give my opinions on them sometimes.

I expect you will do your own scrutiny.

2000 Mules DVD movie documentary exposes a massive network of coordinated fraud across all five of the states that decided the 2020 election.

AFA Action is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to advancing biblical, family values in society and government by educating and influencing public policy. AFA Action is also the Governmental Affairs Affiliate of American Family Association.

Legal organization defending religious freedom.

Association of Mature American Citizens. The conservative alternative to AARP

Want to know what's on your ballot? Use this resource.

Barna offers statistical research on people's responses to churches and Christianity.

Healthy, non-GMO plant foods. Free delivery to your home with a purchase of $99 or more.

Headquartered in Michigan!


Named by Time in 2005 as one of the nation’s “25 Most Influential Evangelicals". He is the founder of Wall Builders.

American conservative political commentator, radio show host, and author.

He serves as a host of The Dan Bongino Show on Rumble.

From Wall Builders. This is an online gathering place for Pastors. It is named after the Black Robe Regiment of the American Revolution era. The English meant this as an insult, but the preachers involved accepted the name without considering it a reproach.

God-loving, patriotic books for children

Author. Messianic Rabbi. See above for his official YouTube Channel

A nonprofit civic organization working at the grassroots level to promote and preserve Judeo-Christian values in local communities and at the state capitol

Did you know that there are two ways for our US Constitution to have an amendment added to it? One of those ways is through the states using what is called the Convention of States. I urge you to find out more. I urge you to become a supporter of COS. It is, in my opinion, the ONLY way to solve certain systemic problems in our government.

Author and film maker. Link above is for his YouTube channel. Twitter = @DineshDSouza.

Founded in 1983, Family Research Council is a nonprofit research and educational organization dedicated to articulating and advancing a family-centered philosophy of public life. In addition to providing policy research and analysis for the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government, FRC seeks to inform the news media, the academic community, business leaders, and the general public about family issues that affect the nation from a biblical worldview.

The John Milton Freedom Foundation works to bring about journalistic freedom

The Collected Works of Milton Friedman website contains more than 1,500 digital items by and about economist, Nobel Prize winner, and Hoover fellow Milton Friedman.

The Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) is a modular, DIY, low-cost, high-performance platform that allows for the easy fabrication of the 50 different Industrial Machines that it takes to build a small, sustainable civilization with modern comforts. They are developing open source industrial machines that can be made at a fraction of commercial costs, and sharing their designs online for free.

Evangelist. Son of late evangelist Billy Graham. Editor in Chief of BGEA's Decision magazine, founder of Samaritan's Purse.

The science of natural healing.

Rates the US Congress and Senate


Former radio personality famous for "The Rest of the Story"

Henry HAZLITT (1894-1993)

American journalist and author. He is the author of the classic free downloadable book Economics in One Lesson.

Private college in Hillsdale, Michigan famous for its independence from the government. By policy, they do not accept money from any government source at all to maintain its purity. They offer free online college courses. There is a new site under construction now to view their available courses. My personal favorite for Constitution courses is the Patriot Academy (not associated) because of their active support of the Convention of States, but there is nothing I don't like about Hillsdale College.

Find out which candidates on your ballot really stand for your biblical values.

I'm impressed with this ministry. They dive deep in the Bible and have a tremendous respect for the inerrancy of the Bible. Their Christianity is practical.

League of Women's Voters - Michigan (Vote 411)

Shows what, and who, is on the ballot.

Political commentary by Mark Levin.

Lighter Side (Who wants to be serious all the time?)

What is happening in the Michigan legislature.

News specific to Michigan.

Good news site, more local to Michigan citizens.

Monorail ensures your dollars align with your beliefs. Let our experts invest for you with our managed portfolio of companies that all align with conservative, American, biblical values.

The BJS National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is the nation's primary source of information on criminal victimization. This shows that crime is NOT down in the last four years.

Online news. Many contributors. Buy shares in Newsmax.

It is my firm belief that churches need to rediscover that our country had a Judeo-Christian foundation at its beginning. Patriot Academy will help with that.

Canadian clinical psychologist. He is the creator of the online Jordan Peterson Academy.

Created by Dennis Prager, PragerU is a vast number of five minute videos on many topics.

Privacy & Security (Some cost. I make no money on these suggestions)

Online Invisibility. Virtual debit card. Protonmail email. Mailfence email. Freespoke Search Engine. Rumble Alternative to YouTube.

An organization committed to election integrity.

A good source of news.

Debt reduction advisor. He is famous for his 7 Baby Steps toward debt reduction.

"Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls." RealClearPolitics (RCP) is an independent, non-partisan media company that is the trusted source for the best news, analysis and commentary.

Alternative to Google Search Engine.

The incredible true story of a former government agent turned vigilante who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue hundreds of children from traffickers. Available here.

Economist. Author. Discusses racial disparities. He is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.

Tea Party Patriots Action's mission is to equip Americans with the resources and training they need to be engaged citizens and effective activists. Our vision is for a nation where individual liberty is cherished and maximized, where the Constitution is revered and upheld, and where Americans are free to pursue their American Dream.

This is an online list of who finances which candidate and for how much. Very Informative.

This site has been recommended by a friend. It's a bit new to me, but I notice that David Barton and Lance Wallnau are among the founders, so I don't think they can do too much mischief. They emphasize the 7 Mountain Mandate, which are the areas of society that will influence us if we don't influence them.

Through methods such as becoming a Precinct Leader, registering voters, supporting local elections, and running for office–every American plays a critical role in preserving our great country and TPAction is leading the charge.

Teaching your children the ideas that schools no longer do.

1. Contact your healthcare provider.

2. Report an Adverse Event using the VAERS online form or the downloadable PDF.

Brings us an accurate historical view of our country's origins. It is criticized as making too close a connection between church and state, but my response is that our country was clearly founded on Judeo-Christian principles.

Political commentator Matt Walsh explores the changing concepts of sex and gender in the digital age, particularly the transgender rights movement. Available used at a reasonable price here.

America's oldest independent Christian online journalism organization...founded in May 1997 by veteran journalist Joseph Farah and his wife Elizabeth Farah.

Lance makes our faith and our politics align. He is dynamic and fun.

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1 comentário

06 de ago. de 2024

Great links. I can assure you that Truth and Liberty is legit. It was founded by Richard Harris (CEO) and many pastors speak on it; it is primarily re: a Biblical worldview. Andrew Wommack is chiefly associated with it besides many other awesome people. I am a partner!!

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